
Cafe Table with bunting

I’m Kate, a happily married thirtysomething mother of six, writing from Melbourne, Australia.  I like to see this blog as a place you can come to relax and chat with me over my virtual kitchen table.  I like my virtual kitchen – it’s much cleaner than its real-life counterpart and there’s always the smell of something delicious wafting from the oven.

What might we chat about?  I love to laugh about the things I do wrong, at the dentist, at the health nurse, when cooking a roast, at the café, when consoling a parishioner, when trying to encourage my three-year-old to wear clothing and when discussing vegetarianism with my eight-year-old.  Sometimes we might get deep and talk about God and grief and our souls and why I have a Mary in my kitchen.  We could trade recipes or you might nod patiently while I boast about something I crocheted.  We might get creative and do some art together or just stare out the window and do nothing.

In this blog, you will meet:

“Mr Knightley”, my handsome husband (from Jane Austen’s Emma);
“Matilda”, my fifteen-year-old daughter (from Roald Dahl’s Matilda);
“Christopher Robin”, my twelve-year-old son (from the A. A. Milne poem “Hoppity” in When We Were Very Young);
“Harry”, my ten-year-old son (from Harry the Dirty Dog);
“Annie”, my eight-year-old daughter (from L. M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables); and
“Daisy” and “Poppy”, my twins (from Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom)

Except that I’ve recently renamed my twins

“Penny” (from Penny Pollard’s Diary by Robin Klein); and
“Pippi” (from Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Longstocking)

They are currently four

As you can see, they are all named after literary characters.  In older posts, they will be younger than this, and it’s also possible they’re older and I haven’t updated this page in a while (I’m updating it now for the first time in five years)!  Occasionally, I will also refer to my two sisters and three brothers.  I name them after their corresponding character in “The Brady Bunch” (I would be Marcia)

62 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award – thank you! « DiscomBUBulated

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award – thank you! « DiscomBUBulated

  3. Fiona Breen

    I have tears running down my cheeks, (almost) peeing myself laughing. I’m so glad I found your blog thingy…. I too, have turned up (twice) for the wrong day/month/year for a health appointment. Can’t wait to read one about ‘leaving one child accidently behind’!

  4. Catherine @ AlmostRawVegan.com

    Thanks for visiting AlmostRawVegan.com – I thought I would return the visit, love your introduction in your About – and I love how your kids are names after literary characters 😉 Look forward to following your adventures. Catherine xo

  5. soulofspice

    I like the names of your whole family..2 of them I’ve read about, the other 3 I’ll have to learn more about.. how about you, do you have a fictional character out of novel name too.. Love your blog!!

  6. Amy @ Love and Be Loved

    Hi Marcia. I love your humor — it’s something I don’t have but need desperately to get! It seems those of us who can laugh at our mistakes definitely have a heads-up. I hope some of your easy-going spirit rubs off on me!

  7. Anna Eastland

    I’m a happily married thirty something mother of 5 and love your idea of naming kids after literary characters. I’ve been trying to decide how to refer to my kids on my blog I recently started, and that’s a great idea.
    Keep it up!

    1. katelikestocreate Post author

      Feel free to use the same idea – it’s lots of fun. I spent lots of time (mostly in the shower, staring at the wall) thinking about my favourite literary characters as well as the personalities of my children and matching them up. I really like calling my husband ‘Mr Knightley’ too as it reminds me why I first fell in love with him, which reminds me to keep the romance alive in my marriage (easier said than done). Thanks for stopping by and good luck with the new blog – I look forward to reading all your adventures!

  8. Pingback: A Real True Proper Crafty Blog | Laptop on the Ironing Board

  9. Pingback: Beautiful Mama Award | Máthair Fiona

  10. studybabyjuggler

    Hi Kate, I also love the idea of nicknames/pseudonyms for husbands and kidlets. Thanks for the idea – I hope you don’t mind that I’ve borrowed it for my blog as well! Cheers!

  11. Moke

    Hello – Thank you for the follow. I’ve been following your wonderful blog for some time because I love your thoughts and how you write about them. I also home educated my children from 8 and 12 years old – my son was first as I was addressing issues he had with reading and increasingly school – so I am now also following Matilda’s Gap Year. It brings back happy memories as my two are now 26 and 24! Thank you and best wishes Moke.

    1. katelikestocreate Post author

      I must be a little slow on the uptake! You have a lovely blog and I’m so glad I discovered it. It’s funny the way in which interests overlap – I followed your blog because of the gorgeous crochet, but you are also a former home educator! Thank you so much for the very lovely comment 😀

  12. covingtoncynthia73

    Thank you for lining my posts. I have been reading some of your archives and pages and find your writing fascinating and funny! I only wish I could hear your dialect with it.

  13. Leonie

    Hi Kate, I saw your blog article on the Seton Magazine site and that you were from Melbourne Australia too! Are you in touch with the Melbourne Catholic Homeschool community because if you would like to go on the email update list of things on let me know.
    God Bless

  14. Pingback: Wonderful Team Membership Award « Máthair Fiona

  15. Amy @ Love and Be Loved

    Hi kate,

    I hope this note finds you well.
    I’m writing about recent catholic church revelations.
    I’m struggling with the child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Dioceses in and around Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, where I grew up. I’m currently living in Mid-Ohio and our Parish priest was just put on leave of ministry pending allegations. I know that Australia has been struggling with this as well. How are you processing this personally? And as a parent raising children in the faith?
    I find it necessary for me to reach out to other people and talk about this. I understand if you don’t want to talk. But I thought it might be healing. I know it would be for me.

    Blessings, dear writer-friend!

    thecatholicyogi.com and amysecrist.com

    1. katelikestocreate Post author

      Hi Amy,

      I really struggle with our failure as a church to deal with paedophilia and to treat victims with compassion and respect. Here in Australia, we have had a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse in institutions and it has been horrific to learn about. It hurts a lot. My great prayer is that the Royal Commission and other inquiries might bring a cleansing fire to our church, that we change our attitudes and no longer provide a safe haven for paedophiles to operate within. Ugh!
      What are your thoughts?

      1. Amy @ Love and Be Loved

        Hi Kate,

        Thanks for your reply. I love your phrase, “my great prayer.”
        This is a crazy-strange time for me. In America, back in 2002-ish, there were predator priest revelations in the dioceses of Boston. I was young then, and I didn’t live in Boston, so I thought, “that’s great the Holy Spirit is purging evil and cleansing the church.” Now, in 2018, upon reading the report released from the dioceses of the state of Pennsylvania, I am ashamed of my response to Boston. I grew up in Pittsburgh. This mess is close to me, my parents, my family. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit is not cleansing the church, but that the Holy Spirit is calling us all, us human beings, to cleanse the church, to take action, and change things ourselves through the power of God’s Holy Spirit. I just don’t know how, logistically, to do this. But I am open to God’s stirrings within me and waiting to learn how to move forward.

        In the midst of the mess, my church asked me to be the speaker at the women’s prayer breakfast. Long story short: after asking them if they were sure, I said yes. Then our very own pastor was placed on leave pending investigations of sexual abuse of a minor. Then I pulled all my family’s financial giving from the parish in protest of the way the institution of the RC church has harbored predator priests for decades.

        Please pray that I give a “good prayer talk”! I told them I’d be speaking on “Fortitude: Strength in the Face of Difficulty for Women of Faith.” Then I wondered how I’m gonna pull this off!

        Thankful to be sharing the journey with you!


Tell me what you think (comments are like Christmas)